We have decided to make our knowledge and know-how in general, available to our customers. Every day, we pass on to them what we have learned and understood. Because we know that it allows them to improve their performances.

But how can we reach those who do not yet know us? And, who, without knowing it, may need us? This the reason why we have chosen to share information, and reflections, through articles that we publish periodically.

The themes discussed are generally the result of a recurring observation that we make by collaborating with our customers. By choice, we do not (or rarely) deal with current affairs. But nothing prevents us from doing so, if we consider that whatever it is that we have to say makes sense to entrepreneurs.

ND Consultant is about consultancy and supporting entrepreneurs. But training plays a very important role in our activities. Because our priority is to share the maximum amount of knowledge within our community of entrepreneurs.

We have more than sixty training modules and workshops in our catalog. And, according to the requests of our customers, we know how to create tailor-made programs.

Our former training participants have resources that we make available to them free of charge.

For entrepreneurs who have not yet benefited from our training or workshops, other more technical resources are available on our Youtube channel. Those will provide practical, easily exploitable tools.

If you are concerned about one theme and we haven’t talked about it, we are open to your suggestions on the topics to be covered. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask us. If the theme is in our areas of expertise, we will be pleased to reflect on the subject and share our conclusions with you.

For now, take advantage of these few thoughts that we are pleased to put at your disposal. And subscribe to our newsletter (6 issues per year), to be informed about our latest publications.

Enjoy your reading!



We are here for you and to support you during the implementation of your ideas your strategies and your projects.