January 2021 Strategy workshops in cotonou

January 26th workshop ⎮ Knowing how to understand and exploit customer needs

Nothing great happens without great effort. So after the end of the year holiday break, let’s get back to the field, with a conquering spirit.

As entrepreneurs, our goal is to sell our solutions to as many people as possible, with the best profit, for as long as possible.

It is achievable, but not without a daily rigorous way to manage the business.

We must constantly reinvent ourselves to differentiate from competitors, and convince customers that we are there for them.

But you still have to know how to do it.

There are tools and techniques to better understand what our customers want. And knowing how to offer them the right solutions, such that it also suit us.

We want to invite you to (re) discover some tools during a Practical Strategy Workshop entitled: “Knowing how to understand and exploit customer needs“.

This workshop is organized in partnership with Wangnigni229.

Join us on Tuesday January 26, 2021, from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Le Jardin de CanelYa in Fidjrossè for a personalized exchange.


Infoline :  https://wa.me/22952122128

MoMo : +22952122128

Email : contact@nd-consultant-group.com

January 29th workshop ⎮ Writing techniques for impactful communication

«Whatever is well conceived is clearly said, and the words to say it flow with ease». – Boileau. 

Too often, great ideas are ruined by poor communication. For a business, this generally means big financial losses.

Being capable of making potential customers understand what we offer them as solutions, is not always easy. How to be understood by thousands of people through social networks for example?

There are tools and techniques to have effective and impactful communication.

We want to invite you to (re) discover some tools during a Practical Strategy Workshop entitled: “Writing techniques for impactful communication“.

This workshop is organized in partnership with Wangnigni229.

Join us on Friday January 29, 2021, from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Le Jardin de CanelYa in Fidjrossè for a personalized exchange.


Infoline :  https://wa.me/22952122128

MoMo : +22952122128

Email : contact@nd-consultant-group.com 

Participation fees to Cotonou Strategy Workshops : 

15000 FCFA

includes a snack

The workshops are highly interactive. We work from the real cases of the participants and the theory is staged on the real cases.