Accelerate SMEs led by women in the textile industry

The Benin Fiber Focus (BFF) program in Benin is part of the Initiative to Promote Women’s Access to Finance in Africa (AFAWA) of the African Development Bank (AfDB). This initiative supports female entrepreneurship in Africa through financing, technical support, and improvement of the business environment. Benin Fiber Focus (BFF) in Benin is therefore a unique opportunity to access unprecedented professional technical support with the aim of leading to various financing opportunities.


Why BFF in Benin?

The textile industry (textiles for domestic, industrial, technical uses, support functions, etc.) is precisely one of the most promising breeding grounds for the economic development of Benin, and of Africa as a whole. The Benin ecosystem benefits from considerable assets for the development of competitive SMEs for local, regional, and international markets. However, chronic challenges hinder the full development of local businesses, particularly those run by women.

To overcome the difficulties of accessing bank financing, it is necessary to continue efforts to reassure lenders, in relation to the repayment capacity of borrowers. The priority levers are: (1) the quality of economic models, (2) the efficiency of governance and finally, (3) the relevance of the offer in markets with high development potential.

Four local commercial banking institutions are partners in the BFF AFAWA project in Benin. Their participation demonstrates their commitment to providing financing to local WSMEs.


How to boost Benin textile ecosystem?

  • Increase the skills and technical performance of actors whose offers are most relevant to local, regional, and international markets.
  • Improve the production and marketing capacities of operators whose solutions are viable in markets with lasting potential
  • Provide financial and technical support for the integration of complete value chains to support complete sub-sectors for subcontracting, production inputs and value-added finished products.
  • Propose innovative financing solutions adapted to the real reimbursement capacities of operators and the constraints of sub-sectors and other integrated sectoral value chains.


What is BFF?

BFF is a personalized 12 (twelve) month acceleration program to be eligible for a XOF 20.000.000 (twenty million) or more, bank loan for Benin companies in the textile sector, run by women, employing mainly women, or offering solutions intended for use by women.

This program offers its beneficiaries networking opportunities and access to mentors or other business partners.

Access to financing is conditioned by, in particular,

  • Attendance at the twelve-month acceleration program by completing all modules and making yourself available online and in person for the different sessions
  • Significant improvement in the company’s financial performance during the acceleration period (profitability, cash flow, etc.)
  • Significant improvement in good governance indicators during the acceleration period (administrative, legal, and fiscal compliance, etc.)
  • The commitment to repay the credit according to the conditions that have been agreed with the financial institutions


  1. Participation in the BFF 2024-2025 program is exclusive and cannot be combined with any other program to guarantee its full success.
  2. The final decision to obtain credit is the responsibility of the financial institution.


What are the ambitions of the BFF program?

  • Impact the turnover of companies benefiting from the program by at least 30%.
  • Establish operational and economic synergies between beneficiaries and partners identified during support.
  • Design innovative financing mechanisms with the support of several financial and non-financial institutions to facilitate access to financing for these SMEs.
  • Expose businesses that need it to innovative and relevant investments and financing for the long-term development of businesses.
  • Professionalize the service offering and find a better balance between your business finances and your personal finances.


Who can benefit?

  • Be a company registered in the Trade and Furniture Credit Register (RCCM) for at least three years (03) whose main activity is textiles, fashion, and other affiliated sectors.
  • Proof of a turnover of forty million (XOF 40,000,000) at least in the year 2023
  • Have two financial statements for 2022 and 2023
  • Submit a succinct company presentation document (Pitch)
  • Specific criteria :
    1. Be a company with at least 51% female shareholders
    2. Or, have mostly women on the management committee
    3. Or have a majority of women in strategic functions of the company
    4. Or offer solutions intended for women’s consumption

Note :

  1. Before integration into the program, an in-depth analysis of the company’s debt capacity will be carried out to determine whether it is able to take out and repay a loan.
  2. The potential for creation or consolidation of existing jobs are important indicators which will be decisive in the final decision-making.


Learn more.

You can contact us at


Deadline for submission of applications: April 30, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.